
Sostenibilità - Sustainability - Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit - Ecologische duurzaamheid - 環境持続可能性 - 環境可持續


We at Azienda Agricola Livio Feliziani, we are convinced that respect for nature is directly proportional to respect for ourselves, that we eat every day of its fruits. And this is why, in total inversion of the trend with the logic of the market of large retail (GDO) our work is all about the idea of production with impact 0, which allows us to create a great product in full respect of nature and the eco-system, exploiting the clean energy generated by a photovoltaic system for the entire company needs and using only electrical, manual and mechanical tools for the collection and storage of products.


The Production Chain

La filiera produttiva The - Production Chain - Die Produktionskette - De productieketen - 生産チェーン - 生產鏈

The Production Chain

The olive harvest in our company begins the first week of October, normally extends until mid-November and is done exclusively with manual harvesting and with electric olive harvesting tools that are not harmful to trees or their fruit. In this way the organoleptic and chemical characteristics of the final product maintain high quality standards. After harvesting, within 24/36 hours, the olives are taken to the oil mill (Antico Frantoio Alessandrini) in the nearby historic village of Moresco, where they are processed using a cold extraction process, a mechanical process carried out with a discontinuous system. Stored in stainless steel drums, our oil is then returned to the company to be bottled in special different capacities, ready to be placed on the market through international distribution channels to reach the tables of the most demanding consumers.

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